5:45 Mid-Week Meal Click Here to Reserve Your Meal
Thursday's Meal is sponsored by the Youth Department for a Youth Fundraiser
Johns Bailey's Fish Fry, Hush Puppies, Sides, Dessert
For Children: Pizza, carrot sticks or fresh fruit
Adults $6.00 Children $4.00 Family total will
not exceed $20.00.
Let us know before Wednesday if you will be attending
If you are gluten free call the church office at 598-3098
6:15 Handbell choir
Handbell Choir is open to middle school age students through adults.
6:30 Children’s Mission Moments and Music and Adult Bible Study
Mission Moments will be a time of serving and reaching out to the community and the world around us to show God's love. The children will learn that there are needs in our community that God wants us to fill. We are all so blessed to have a home and food and the basic necessities of life. We will talk about ways to spread the love of Jesus to those that need to hear. Mission Moments will include: Giving back to police officers and firemen, Loving those in nursing homes, Making blankets for children undergoing cancer treatments. We will also have the children brainstorm other ways we can reach out and serve in the community.
The Children’s Choir is open to children from Kto5th grade. They meet at 7:00 p.m.
GA’s and RA’s Will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday Nights at 6:30 p.m.
This week is our Quarterly Congregational Meeting. The Adult Bible Study - “What Makes You Happy?” will resume next week.
7:30Adult Choir
New members are welcome to join! The adult choir is open
To high school students and up