The May Memorial Free Firewood Team
Closing of Worship after the Lord’s Supper
The members of the May Memorial Family give in order to make a difference in our community and world. We are a part of God’s mission in the world, and when we live into God’s mission we present a picture of what it will look like when God’s kingdom comes on earth.
Worship is our grateful response to God’s redeeming work in our world and in our lives. Our worship is traditional, engaging, and thoughtful. You will know that God welcomes you to worship, and we warmly welcome you to worship with us.
All are Welcome to Live Faith together at May Memorial
Hospitality literally means “love for the stranger,” and at May Memorial we welcome and love each person who walks through our doors. Whoever you are, wherever you are in life, we welcome you.
Youth on Retreat at Passport
Spiritual formation
God shapes the lives of His people through both an inward and outward journey. Part of our inward journey is learning and studying God’s written word together that we may be formed info faithful disciples.