All Saints

I find deep meaning in All Saints Day, as Christians throughout the history of the Church have.  When Martin Luther decided to go public with his 95 Theses to reform the Church he decided to do it on the Eve of All Saints, October 31.  He knew a large crowd would gather for All Saints and his proposals would be viewed by a large crowd.  Hence October 31 is not just Halloween, or “All Hallow’s Eve,” it is also Reformation Day.

Today (November 1) is All Saints Day, but we will celebrate it this coming Sunday in worship.  We will remember our saints, those who loved us, supported us, and most importantly pointed us to Jesus.  We will have a slideshow with photographs of our saints: parents, siblings, children, and friends who have gone on to be with the Lord, and we will name and remember the saints of May Memorial Baptist Church who entered the Church Triumphant since the last All Saints Day.  These are:

Matt Bennett

Dee Carter

Bob Cosby

Rick Gallier

Fran O’Donnell

Jim Pinkley

Frances Tilman

Frances Winall

Earl Worsham

We will remember these before God, grateful for their lives, their examples, and their faith.

We live in a culture which often only finds value and meaning in the present moment.  A culture that is quick to dismiss the past, and when this is done we grow myopic and limited in our perspective.  Remembering the saints of the church is a way for us to see ourselves in perspective, to remember that we did’t get here on our own, and that we are a part of a story that started long before us and will continue long after we have joined the Church Triumphant.

I often have a tear in my eye on All Saints Day, I probably will this year as well.  But mostly what I feel is gratitude for those in our church and in my family who have blessed me and offered their lives for others.

Join us this Sunday in worship, it will be a meaningful day of worship.  And as always, when you come to worship, God will meet you here.