Inward Journey/Outward Journey

The Christian life can be divided into two “journeys.”  There is the “outward” journey, or what is “out there” for others to see.  Jesus calls us to imitate him, to “follow him” and our actions and words should imitate his actions and words.  Our outward journey includes our mission work, our acts of compassion and our working for justice in the world.  This is the outward journey.

There is also our “inward journey.”  The Christian “inward journey” concerns our mind, our heart, our soul.  It is directly connected to our “outward journey,” but it must be nourished for it to grow.  When we belong to Christ, we are invited into a life in which our minds are becoming like the “mind of Christ,” our hearts can experience deep joy, contentment, and peace.  Our inward journey is shaped by Jesus, the Living Word, but also by scripture, the written word.

The inward journey is formed by private practices such as prayer and scripture reading, but it is primarily shaped in community, by life together in the church.

This coming Sunday you will be given the opportunity to share with the deacons (by marking a survey) how you would like to participate in Spiritual Formation at May Memorial.  Many have traditionally nourished their “inward journey” through Sunday school, and many have traditionally found that nourishment on Wednesday nights.  But the deacons and I wonder what other ways we can pursue that inward journey together.

Maybe it is Women’s Bible Study?

Maybe it is another daytime Bible Study?

Maybe it is a weekend retreat?

Maybe it is a 6 week topical study?

Maybe it is a weekly small group?

Maybe it is a group that meets at May Memorial?

Maybe it is a group that meets at a local coffee shop?

Maybe it is a group that meets online?

Maybe it is…(you fill in the blank)?

The deacons will look at the responses and this will guide the deacon’s ongoing conversation about our inward journey.  

Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being,

And in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.  Psalm 51:6