Why...Join a Church!?

Sunday, February 12 is “A Day to Welcome New Members.”  A person who professes faith in Christ and who has been baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is welcome to join May Memorial at any of our worship services.  But we set a day aside a couple of times a year to encourage people to join.

I often think of a couple of things when these days come up.  First, I think about church membership, about getting your name “officially on the roll.”  I admit I would rather have “attenders” and “disciples” than “members” who never attend.  But ideally, a church would be made up of those who attend and are members.

I also think, why would someone want to join?  I think there are many reasons, but this morning I read a devotion (I get a couple each morning, this just happens to be todays) about why one person was led to join a church.  This devotion made me think of our church family, and as soon as I read it I knew I wanted to share it with the May Memorial Baptist family.

It is by Mary Luti and is titled “Join a Church:”

I know an older woman who worries about outliving her husband and most of her family and friends. The grief of that anticipated loss messes with her sleep. And the fear. With them gone, who’ll look out for her? She doesn’t want to die alone.

She confided all this to a friend. His advice? Join a church. Church people will take care of you, he said. You won’t be alone.

She was taken aback by how crass and self-interested his advice felt. Hi, I’m Sally, I’m old and getting older. I’m joining your church so I won’t be alone. What kind of reason is that? If people knew she’d come hoping for a few visits and a casserole someday, wouldn’t they feel used? She decided he must be kidding. He wasn’t.

I don’t know whether she’ll do it, but I hope so, because her friend is right. Anyone who’s ever been lucky enough to be part of a loving church knows it. To approach such a community for company and care isn’t selfish. It’s giving that church a chance to be church.

Some Christians think that the church is most fully what Christ intends only when it’s publicly engaged in the struggle against the sinful systems of our unjust world. But the world’s axis also tilts towards God’s dream whenever some random old woman (or anyone at all) comes to us to be accompanied and is met with open arms.

Join a church. They’ll take care of you.