From the Pastor
Not Normal
August 2 was the day, it was the first Sunday we regathered in our Sanctuary. We were worshiping online-only since Sunday, March 15, and finally on August 2 we were “online-only” no more, but physically present for worship in “the church.” I looked forward to that day with great expectation, and my heart was full of joy when we finally regathered.
Before Sunday, August 2nd, the Regathering Team stated clearly: it will not be the same. There were to be differences in the “mechanics” of worship and gathering, and when we came to worship we should not expect it to be as it was on Sunday, March 8. I heard that statement from the Regathering Team, and I repeated that word of caution. But it didn’t really sink in with me. I was focused on the joy of regathering in our sanctuary.
Yesterday was our tenth Sunday back in our sanctuary, twelve weeks since August 2 minus two Sundays we went “online only.” And being twelve weeks into this phase of regathering, I understand what is meant by “it will not be the same.” Church is different than it was. I feel it, and you probably do too.
One church leader observed about the pandemic, “we thought it was going to be a snowstorm and it has ended up being an ice age.” For the church, we are in an ice age of “not normal.”
There are many suggestions as to what we should do during this “ice age of not normal.” Some point to a “virtual age” for the church. That the new-found media capabilities are the future of church life, that buildings owned by church families are quickly fading into the past. Others suggest (by their behavior) that we should simply ignore the seriousness of COVID 19. There are churches doing with, with no social distancing, no masks, and full-on congregational singing. Behind this is the erroneous belief that we may behave as we like for “God will take care of us.” And I do believe that God will take care of us, but maybe the way He’s doing that is by giving us good experts to help us find our way through this Pandemic.
But for me, with all the options, I think during this “ice age of not normal” we have an opportunity to adjust our expectations considering what is most fundamental to the Church. What are the things that we must keep doing in order to continue the mission God’s has given us?
First, we continue to worship. To pray, hear God’s Word, and offer our praise to God.
Second, we continue to be on mission. Showing love and support for our community, teachers, Food Pantry, etc.
Third, we continue to be formed as faithful disciples. We continue to have Sunday School and Wednesday night Bible Study so we may hear scripture together and be formed by God’s written word together.
Fourth, we continue to provide opportunities for fellowship. This has been a “slower start” for us at May Memorial, but opportunities are on the calendar, such as the Tailgating-Style Church Picnic.
Fifth, we continue to demonstrate hospitality, love for strangers, who enter our fellowship.
These are foundational to our life together as a church, whether the time be “normal” or we continue to be in the “ice age of not normal.” And these things we continue to do.
Do not lose heart. God is still speaking to us. God still calls us. And God still leads us. God is with us, and we are still God’s people, however strange this “ice age” may be.