From the Pastor...
Because He Lives
Easter Sunday 2021, the day we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, was two years in the making. Because of COVID we were not gathered in our sanctuary last year for that “high, holy day,” and this year we were filled with joy as we celebrated the gift and promise of new life. We heard the sound of brass instruments, the scent of lilies filled the sanctuary air, and our hearts were full as we worshiped at 9 and 11 on that beautiful morning. The presumed “high point” of worship for that day could have easily been the reading of the Resurrection story from Mark’s gospel. It also could have been when we gathered at the Lord’s Table. Both of those are central in our Easter worship.
But for me, the high point of worship was when we sang “Because He Lives” as a congregation. I have to admit it is not my favorite hymn or gospel song, I prefer the sturdier “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” or even “The Strife is O’er” for Easter Sunday. But when we sang “Because He Lives” on Easter Sunday this year, my heart was moved. As I looked across the sanctuary, I saw hands subtlety “lifted high,” I saw tears being wiped from eyes, and I saw eyes closed and faces uplifted as heart-felt singing was happening behind our masks. It was a holy moment, and for me it was the high point of worship that day.
I think of two reasons why we were moved in our singing. The first is that it had been a long time since we sang together, and worship that lacks congregational singing is not complete. It was simply fulfilling for us to finally have that added back to worship. But the second reason that moment was so moving was that our hearts cling to and believe in that truth so deeply. That “because Christ lives” our lives are changed, are filled with hope, and regardless of all of the deaths we have experienced we know the final word will ultimately be Alleluia! We believe it, and it came through in our singing.
Resurrection day was a wonderful day at May Memorial, and I rejoice that we were together, and hymns filled our hearts and our sanctuary. Alleluia!