Please be advised that we have returned to our sanctuary for service, but many of our normal activities are not occurring during the pandemic. Contact the church office at (804) 598-3098 if you have any questions.

1. What is the Sunday Schedule?

(click here to see our current schedule)

2. Is there a nursery for worship?

Yes. A nursery is provided for all children birth through kindergarten each Sunday and is staffed by staff and volunteers who have been screened and undergone background checks.

Children in grades one through four are invited to leave worship prior to the sermon for children’s church.

3. How do I get there?

May Memorial is located at 3922 Old Buckingham Rd., Powhatan, VA. 
May Memorial is in the Courthouse Village of Powhatan County, about 1/10 of a mile west of the Courthouse.

4. Where do I park?

Parking in provided on each side of the church. You may enter through the sanctuary door closest to the street which is the back of the sanctuary, or you may enter through the glass doors located on the east side of the facility into our commons area. Entering through the commons area will enable families with children to access our nursery.

5. What is worship like?

Worship at May Memorial is warm and engaging, creative and traditional. You will hear traditional hymns and new songs for worship. There is a time for children, a choir in the choir loft, and an offering is taken. Scripture is read and a sermon is preached based on the scripture read.

6. Can I meet the pastor?

Yes. The pastor, Michael Edwards, is available to meet you before and after worship.

7. What do I wear?

You can wear whatever you are comfortable wearing. Some people wear a jacket and tie and many wear casual pants and polo shirts. God looks on the heart, not at what we wear.

8. How many people will be there?

When you come to worship at May Memorial you will be worshiping with about 150 people. The singing will be joyful and robust and you will know that you are gathered with God’s people.

9. Will I be singled out?

No. You will be given the opportunity to fill out a card that is in the worship bulletin and place it in the offering plate but you will not be singled out in any way.