Sunday School is a way to study God's word, build relationships, and be formed as faithful disciples. Sunday School classes meet each Sunday at 9:45, and they also spend time together in fellowship and in missions. Since the ending the pandemic, only the Koinonia Sunday School class has reconvened at this time.
May Memorial Sunday School Classes:
Nursery Class (Sanctuary Level, Behind Sanctuary)
Preschool Class (Sanctuary Level, Behind Sanctuary)
Younger Elementary (Second Floor, Education Building)
Older Elementary (Second Floor, Education Building)
Youth (grades 6-12) (Youth House)
College and Young Adults
Delighting in God's Grace Class--Adults (Conference Room)
Delighting in God's Grace (DIGG) is made up of adults of all ages, commonly adults with children, and the class places great value on building community and learning together.
Phoenix Class--Adults (Lower Level, Dover Johnston Hall)
The Phoenix Class is led by a teacher who engages the members in a discussion-based lesson. The lessons are topical, thought-provoking, and speak to issues that Christians face living in our current culture. The Phoenix class spends time together outside of the church building, and they are active in missions projects inside and outside the church family.
Koinonia Class--Adults (Sanctuary Level, Behind Sanctuary)
The Koinonia Class follows Biblically-based studies and members freely contribute and encourage each other to consider how the Biblical lessons affect daily walk as followers of Jesus. The Koinonia class spends time together outside of the church building, and they are active in missions projects inside and outside the church family.
Open Door Class--Adults (Commons Area Level)
The Open Door Class follows planned topical studies. The studies change every 6-10 weeks, and the studies are always applicable to life as disciples of Jesus Christ. The class uses a variety of sources, including book studies, video based studies, and other formats chosen by the class. The class spends time together outside of the church building, and they are active in missions projects inside and outside the church family.
You are invited to join one of May Memorial's vibrant Sunday School Classes. All classes begin at 9:45, and someone will greet you at the door to help you locate a class that will be a fit for you.