Welcome! May Memorial is a church family that worships together, prays for each other, sings together, fellowships at the Lord's Table together, and listens for God together.  Here's how to be a part of what God is doing at May Memorial:

  • Come to worship this Sunday at 11:00. We are back in our sanctuary. Because of the changes from the CDC and Virginia Governor, there will be two changes in worship beginning May 16.

    1. Concerning Masks. Fully vaccinated people are no longer required to wear masks at May Memorial Church. The wearing of masks at May Memorial will be a choice made by each individual as they feel comfortable.

    2. Offering. Beginning tomorrow the ushers will resume collecting the offering during worship and are being very careful. Extended Session for children, K-5th Grade, is now offered during worship. We do have a nursery at this time.

  • Join a Sunday School Class.

  • Join in one of May Memorial's missions in our community. The Food Pantry Ministry, Lonesome Dove Ministry and Backpacks of Love are still working safely through the pandemic.